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Thursday, July 8, 2004

Just hanging around!!

Just an update - our closing date is officially July 19th for this house. We have to send in the paperwork for the Pa house (we got it today). The septic guy came and backhoed in the new line for the leechfield after the stupid health dept came and looked at it. I don't know why they had to see it since they passed the last one THAT DIDN'T WORK, bunch of retards. (In this instance, the word "retard" is appropriate). I called Mon General today and spoke to them, they said since I was on orientation I could just quit now. They actually thanked me for calling and giving them the option of my not completing the two weeks of notice and told me if the house deal falls through to call and I can just pick up where I left off. We're having a  pest inpection tomorrow so David has to get rid of the hornets nest. I told him he should take a bucket and clap it over the nest, he said "YOU'D LIKE THAT WOULDN'T YOU?!!" I probably shouldn't have been laughing so hard when I suggested it. We're having an inspection done on the house in Pa on the 16th which hopefully will go well. And that would be all the news for today!

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