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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Some Old Problems, Some New Problems

I'm sure that's the same frog I pitched in the stream across from the bar last month, stinkin' frog thinks he can hide from me! So we are in a heated battle as to who owns the pool. The other frogs have the sense to leave by morning but this guy will not. And speaking of repeat offenders, I have poison ivy AGAIN, but it's not  as bad as the last time. My job continues to be overwhelming, the paperwork is unreal and when I'm not on the road I have to stay in the office and help with paperwork. And when I'm not busy helping with it, I'm busy generating it. They made me file stuff and then after a full afternoon is when I get told never to stick things in the purple files which means I have to quickly go around the next afternoon sneaky-pete taking things out of the purple files and putting them back in the to-be filed do-hickey. Hopefully, they will never catch on to the fact they're paying me to do that. David met up with the guy that bought 36 acres next door, he's a Weasel. He wanted us to trade him a right of way at the end of his driveway for access to the road. What he didn't tell us (but the neighbors made sure to!) is he plans on logging the property and the right of way is not for a house, but for logging trucks! He told David the property is landlocked and David said it was illegal to sell landlocked property. He told David he inherited it. David told him we had the old survey and it was formly owned by the coal mining company. He told David his family was coal miners and he inherited from them!! He'd also told David our fence was on his property and David told him we'd already talked to our lawyer and it was not(he'd originally stated it was and he would be "nice" and "let us" trade him the right of way...)Needless to say he went away empty handed and I'm very glad we talked to the neighbors first. I'm thinking of moving that tacky little statue outside, it was left by the former owners and if you hook it up, water comes out of it. But I guess that will just give the frog another reason to stay....

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