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Friday, July 1, 2005

This Is Your Cat On Drugs

Claw found the catnip mouse ( AKA "cat drugs")she so loves the other day, but I have to say she's a mean drunk so we generally don't encourage her playing with it.. The other two cats could care less but Claw guards it like gold. I thought the pool had stopped leaking but it was a false sense of security because of the all the rain we had. It had stayed at 11" (David put a marker on the side) but this morning it was 1/2 an inch lower so we're back to watching the grass grow and pool drain.. The frogs don't seem to be concerned and are still partying in it at night so at least someone gets some use out of it. I went to my early interview this morning, but the nurse manager of the unit I was interviewing for had a crisis on the floor so I just did the human resources part and went home - the manager will get back to me. It sort of works out for me, I'm not going to hear about the visit nurse job until next week so I can keep everything on the back burner until I hear from them without having to put anyone off. I am getting a bit anxious though, being off this long is only fun if you're rich. Our RE from Pa called this morning and we are negotiating again. The guy that was hot to buy it but didn't get a mortgage still wants it so we're working on alternate finances and are trying to negotiate a lease to buy deal. They have to put money in eschrow (nonrefundable) and pay us rent. If they dont' go to closing in 6 months we can be Snidely Whiplashes and throw they're Little Nell butts out in the snow AND keep all the moola. I'm still fighting with the little milipedes, they're small but numerous, they're in the lower part of the house where the computer room is so for now it's typetypetypeWHAPWHAPWHAPPITYWHAPtypetype.......

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