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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Please Don't Let It Go Over The Fence....

I took these 2 picutres in Masontown - it's thier HS football field.If enlarge them, you'll notice it's entirely surrounded by a graveyard with only about 6 feet between the goalpost and the first row of graves. I wonder if that intimidates the visiting team? 3rd picture isn't a mountain, it's all mined rock, not sure if it's coal or not. Yesterday Jackson had a good time at the fair with Becky's family, he said it was a food fair and  these days that's right up his alley. He'd apparently left his appitite in WV because since we've moved back he's been eating like a trooper and has gained a much needed 8 lbs. He now looks like a very healthy skeleton boy. They had Buffalo Wings and he took full advantage of that as did Becky. David and I ended up driving to Washington Pa - he wanted to go to Home Depot and pay off the furnace on the Pa house. When we had it installed we decided to make payments but if you didn't pay it off in a year they charge you interest - retroactively on the entire amount. The interest would've exceeeded the what we owed and I think David just wanted to go to Home Depot. While there I went to the mall (pictures 4 & 5) - it's the one that has all the shut down stores, I find it sad and sort of interesting. It's the oddest thing to be walking in a mall on a Saturday afternoon and you can hear your own footsteps. When David called to tell me he was done, I found myself speaking low  into the phone like I was in a library. They do have a Jo-Ann's there which is why I went in, but not much else. After we explored the area a bit more, had lunch at Crackerbarrel and there's also a Sam's Club so we did our foodshopping up there too. We had a big thunderstorm last night so Copper was my best friend - I wonder if he thinks I'll get hit by the lightening because I'm taller, sort of like his own personal lightening rod....

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