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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Is It Almost Monday?
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Lazy Days Of Summer
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Ok, Now Everyone In The Pool!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Everyone Out Of The Pool
Monday, July 24, 2006
What Fun!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Still The Same
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Ray Is Here! Yippee!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
The Perils Of Pearline
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Blowing In The Wind
Pearl continues to morph into a Psycho Vizsla, she's extended her war with the vacuum cleaner to a war also with my leaf blower. The other day I was really watching her for once and I don't think I've ever seen anything so funny - I made David come out and hold it so I could take pictures. As with the vacuum, it took forever to get anything done. I think "Pearl" may have been a misnomer as she appears to be anything but! She had a swollen eye last night, Jackson was horsing around with her and accidently snapped her in the eye with a towel - he felt awful about it, but it's fine this morning and hopefully Jackson will leave the towels alone from now on. The weather has been blasting lately, it's supposed to be the high 90's again today. David had a roof repair to do - he and Jackson started it early in the morning and stopped around 11 am - David said it had gotten so hot the shingles started to melt and stick together. David came home and then went back after dinner to finish up - he said it was still hot but at least the sun was going down. I can't imagine - I walked across the parking lot and was breaking a good sweat. I'm off to Bridgeport for part of the day today which I'm gloating about - I'm plotting on seizing the yarn bin around 1 - if I can get past the Yarn Hater in the driveway that is! I guess I'll just have to do some Nascar driving ......
An Update - I did take Pearl to the vet this afternoon - I got an hour of personal time and a late appointment. Pearl was awful at the vet's - Dr. Kenney actually stopped the exam in the other room to come into our room to stuff a dog cookie in Miss Bark-A-Lot's fat mouth. The diagnosis was good - there probably was a small scratch but it should heal on it's own and we have yet another tube of ointment. Oh hurrah.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
End Of The Week
Thursday, July 13, 2006
A Skein In The Neck
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
How The Other Half Lives
Sunday, July 9, 2006
Hang Me Out To Dry
Everything is still drying out, we leave the garage open and that's almost completely dry. The ground still squelches when you walk in some areas and we stay far from the mud. Mud from clay is the absolute worst, I know I complain about it from time to time (actually everytime it rains) but the way it spreads is unreal. All you have to do is get a little on the bottom of your shoes and you can do the whole house and your clothes. And because the ground can only absorb so much, it hangs around forever. David has finished the tiling pretty much and has gone onto sheetrocking and spackling the walls. He was being funny by pondering what color he would paint it - we still have tons of that light grey paint he got on clearance eons ago so I'm thinking we are leaning towards that. But I don't mind - it's the last of the dark brown paneling on the lower floor and I'm more than happy to see it go. I took Jackson out driving a little yesterday - I'm on call all weekend and have been doing visits so it's hard to squeeze that in - but we did go out and someone needs to SLOW DOWN. He's gotten a little over confident and argues with me continously so someone may end up an Eternal Bus Rider. Here is how it usually goes:
Me: The speed limit is 45,you're going 60, slow down
Hooligan: I am not
Me: I can see the speedometer, Slow Down!
Hooligan: I'm going 56 miles an hour, not 60, you drive that fast
Me: The speed limit is 45 and you have a permit SLOW DOWN
Hooligan: OK. FINE (sound of pouting)
Repeat as needed
Friday, July 7, 2006
How Much Would You Pay For This Dog?
Rain Rain Go Away
It's been raining quite a bit for the past week or so, but Wednesday took the cake. The clouds moved in and it rained all morning but on my way home it intesified to the point my windshield wipers couldn't compete. The roads flooded immediately, ditches overflowed, the water was coming down our road like a waterfall. And we got water in the house! I didn't like that I have to tell you. The previous owners had put in a sliding glass door at the end of the breezeway and David had taken the door out, but not the frame. When the rain got really heavy it ran down the hill, down the steps of the breezeway and the old frame acted like a dam so it came into the laundry room and the garage. It wasn't a huge amount but enough to make a mess. David pried up the frame and that helped (no one was home when the rain started). The fact that the ground is clay and it's been raining off and on for a week added to the problem - the ground is way past saturation point so everything just sluices off. THEN we had to pump the pool as there was so much extra water it was threatening to come over the side which would flood the basement. The sun came out yesterday but around it here it takes forever to dry out - one of my jobs was next door to a flooded cow pasture, I don't EVER want to talk about that - suffice it to say "eww" and I will never be the same again. Anyhoo, David has become the tiling fiend, so far this week he has tiled Jackson's room, his bathroom and the foyer - he found a nice tile on clearance so we are being to tiled to pieces. He had to rip up the vinyl flooring in the foyer - all three layers of so we are off to the dump again today. I'm on call this weekend so I'm not doing too much other than hanging around the phone.