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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ray Is Here! Yippee!

Ray has finally made the trip to visit us - he called Thursday night to let us know he would be out Friday afternoon. It took him about 5 or 6 hours, but he said the trip was pretty easy since you don't have to go through any big cities and it's mainly interstate driving. Of course Jackson's not here (he went with his girlfriend's family to a 3 day blues festival), it looks like it might rain most of the weekend and I'm on call - but we don't care! We went out to the Boston Beanery for dinner and then after took Ray around Morgantown. We went to Barnes and Noble to shop afterward and then back to watch tv. We're going to Clarksburg today to do some more shopping since the black clouds are looming and I think tomorrow we'll be heading out to Kingwood to see the historic buildings. Pearl gave him a big Vizsla welcome but has calmed down - although he does get the random enthusiastic greetings throughout the day. Pearl's eye has recovered by the way and she no longer looks like Popeye The Dog. Work has been very busy lately, no more day trips to Bridgeport for awhile - we got a bunch of referrals all at once and we have a quitter looming on the horizon - but I think it will be a quiet one this time. I have to say I do sort of enjoy the Hysterical Quitters, it does truely liven up the workplace with all the Dramatic Declarations Against Tyrants and Calling In Just To Prove A Point.

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