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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yes, I am Still Alive. Thank You For Asking

There are no pictures because A) I am a guest and B) I forgot my camera in the frantic run out the door when we left. We didn't end up leaving until after 11am - but the time we got back from the vet and made sure Jackson would be ok it was almost lunchtime so we drove straight to my sister's house. It was a pretty sad ride as you might have guessed - it hasn't been too bad but I'm sure when we get home the absence of Mr. Lee will truley hit home. We stayed over Janet's and made it to LI in good time, visited with David's parents and then off to the party. Most of the family made it there, it was wonderful seeing everyone together again - the kids of course seem to be new people every time you see them. Amy's latest is adorable as are the rest of them. Grandpa had his cake, there's such a difference in him since the last time I was home, it's almost unbelievable - he's declined so much. The ambulette brought him back to the nursing home around 5 and he looked more than ready to go back. I spent Sunday with Liz, we speak on the phone and write on the computer but we haven't seen each other in 6 years! That was a very good afternoon and we did a bit of shopping too. David's brother Kim, his sister Sue and Grace made dinner at David's parents house - that was really fun, we laughed the whole evening. Yesterday Mom and I went to see my Dad, Rhienon is 6 and her room is completely Disneyed out, princesses and Hanna Montana peer at you from every angle. After Dad's we went out to lunch at Eckart's - I didn't think I'd ever been there but I have - I did private duty years ago and the patient took me out to lunch there a couple of times. We visited Grandpa, I missed seeing Grandma Hendrickson as Eva had taken her out for lunch. We had chinese for dinner (David came over) and then that was about it. I'm heading off for the beach later today with Joyce - you can't come to the Hamptons and not tread the sandy shores at least once I suppose. David and I meet with the RE on the way back, we have to find something SOON - our RE called and the buyer's house went into contract. The termite inspection and septic are tomorrow which Jackson was none too happy about as that involves having to tote Miss Pants around for an hour or so. So it's been a busy visit, but a good one.

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