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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day Off

I had an actual day off - only two easily handled calls from the office, the rest of the day was mine. I did nothing. We drove out to the other Wegmans to check it out and I got to go to the Hobby Lobby - you know I loved that! They have furniture, loads of knick knacks, cute signs, and arts and crafts. I just looked at the yarn, didn't buy it. There was some I was thinking about but decided against, you can't just buy something because it's on clearance, well, actually you CAN but my standards are tad bit higher because my closet is overflowing at this point. Wegmans in Wilson was ok, but I like the one in Bethlehem better. We did try to find a bookstore my GPS said was there, but it wasn't so back home we went. I knit, slept, took a nap with the dog, ate old easter candy(just a little!). Ate dinner, watched old movies, read - sometimes you need a day just muck about, move slowly and little, just hang. So it was a good day all in all. The sweater is coming along well, I have the back, the left front and half of the right front finished. It's going pretty fast because the yarn is bulky and I'm using large needles. We reduced the price of the house in Lake Ariel a little the other day, it's still rented and all, but we would like it to just be sold. The rent covers the mortgage so at least that's not a worry. I'm going to switch out my clothes today, of course the temps have dropped back into the sixties which is normal. I have to weed through all of it - how do you accumulate so many clothes that don't fit??

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