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Friday, April 2, 2010

Up And Down

David is slowly recovering from the latest insult, pain of course if the biggest set back for him - he can lay flat but can only stand for a few minutes at a time. He has the MRSA again and we're packing too - deja vu,deja vu. It's in the front this time, a boil instead of a cyst. After he's done with the antibiotic they're doing the MRSA eradication so hopefully this will be it. On the upside - it's fixable. In other news, the shawl is done, obviously. It's so big - it goes to my ankles from top to bottom, but even I have to say it came out perfectly! I'm keeping it for a few days to see if I can take a better picture of it and then, like everything else, off it goes. I have kept a total of 5 things I've knit and crocheted - which is a fairly small amount since I've been knitting and crocheting since I was 7. When I'm done, I'm done - it has to go. I'm not sure what people do with it - keep it, toss it, wear it, hide it. Don't know, on to other projects. And now the BIG NEWS - Jackson has made Master Helmsman of the USS Dewey - he likes to pretend it's not a big deal, but we all know it is. He was promoted to that position fast and even though it's more work, I think he's pretty happy with himself. It's hard keeping track of who's in and who's out - Jack was out, now he's in, Adam is in, John is out, Jackson is going out, John will be coming in and Adam will be going out. Adam is also starting another college course, he's hoping to be an english teacher after his Navy days are done so we have a lot of good going on. Hopefully David will recover quickly and we can move on from here. And thank goodness the weather has finally changed! It's spring and the green is showing from all that muck and mire. Of course now the house will go into phase 2 - we moved in the late fall so I'm sure there's some bugs involved. In a house that sat empty there always are, I just need them to show themselves before we eradicate them.

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