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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Moving Right Along

No, this is not a new picture - no time for picture taking these days! Monday at the moment is completely out of control at work - I had the new nurse with me orientating and the other nurse was doing her end of things. All of us just ran back and forth to the lab yesterday with no end in sight. And today there is just ONE patient to visit - I wish we could move some people off of Monday but it's just not possible. Jackson is on vacation and I think already bored with the laying around thing. I got home around 5:30 last night and David didn't get home until after 8 so there's no one to ferry him around during the day and after work - who feels like it? We did take him out to dinner on Sunday - he had a rather spectacular report card (aside from english). His math was a C - livable, English was a D but he's working on it BUT all of his other grades were A's. So we were thrilled of course. I'm going to try and take the rest of my leftover personal time today so we can do something. David will probably enlist him to help out at the job in Blacksville and I think in another day or two, he'll probably WANT to go!

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