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Monday, April 13, 2009

The Day After

Mom and Fred took off this morning sometime after I left. I leave at 7:30 am so that's not so hard to do. We had a really great weekend, I'm so glad they came up to visit. So. We've heard nothing from the lookers on Saturday but since it was a spur of the moment thing and the house really isnt' on the market yet, it's ok. We just started looking and there's so many houses coming back on the market so I'm content to sit and bide my time. I'm currently watching the very last episode of The Rock Of Love Bus Tour, I missed it on Sunday, you know, entertaining and all that stuff - and I'm not sure if Mom and Fred would have had the proper appreciation of Brett trying to find that Special Woman That Will Rock His World.  OMG!! They're trying on ENGAGEMENT RINGS,  this is, as Bret would say - Totally Awesome.  He says that quite a bit, he hopes everyone has an awesome time, he feels awesome, that is awesome, you're awesome,  yada yada yada. It's down to Mindy and Taya, I'm thinking it will be Mindy because she has that Special Connection........ I digress. Do you like that picture of me and Pearl? I don't! My hair is not quite done, no make up and I'm wearing the outfit I shlep around the house in before work because I don't want to mess up my office clothes. So I altered it a bit, I did a dark blur around the border and did an antique tone - when  I looked at it, it sort of looks like one of those old pictures you find in a shoebox. That didn't quite come out well, but you saved anyhow because you had it printed and you hate to throw out something you paid for. And it's funny because when someone looks at it years later, they don't see you have no make up on or your hair isn't quite done. They see that looney dog you loved so much or those crazy red pants you always used to wear. They remember that couch and see the picture of grandma up behind you. Time has a way of changing perspective.

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