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Tuesday, May 2, 2006

End Of The Visit

Janet and Diane headed back to SissybabyPennsylvania Sunday afternoon, muttering about having to go back to work or hang out at the bar or whatnot on Monday. We were going to BBQ again but with time constraints we went out to the Chinese Buffet where the food is better anyhow. They took off around 1pm after we did a little shopping and then we went back to the house. We did a little BBQ for dinner, no one was especially hungry after the buffet. Monday I was taking everyone to Prickett's Fort in Fairmont -  I had checked the times but forgot that WV closes on Monday despite what the website and newspaper says. And not just for holidays, in general most stores and stuff are closed, I have no clue why and it's very annoying. So we walked around the park a bit and the graveyard, then went to Gabriel's Brother's. Gabe's is one of the best discount store I've ever been in, David and I are forever surfing the racks. Amy got a bunch of maternity stuff and I got a Liz Clairborne polo shirt for $5, Albert Dunner pants for $9 (marked down from $40) so that was fun. We also did AC Moore in Clarksburg and tried to go to my favorite knitting store which was closed due to the above mentioned Monday Thing. We drove into Morgantown for lunch, Mom and Amy found Maxwell's down a back alley which I've never been in. It's a college place, the food was much better than the decor (cheapy Grateful Dead) and they had tons of vegetarian stuff. We headed back home after that - everyone was getting kind of pooped. They left early this morning to avoid traffic, it was fun to see them. Pearl probably misses them more than they miss her - she was being Bad as her new thing is to launch her Not So Tiny Vizsla body at whoever is sitting on the couch and if you happen to be trying to drink your coffee that is worse. Like bad news you never see it coming and we are trying to break her of this new activity

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