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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Spring Has Been Cancelled.

I had another infusion Thursday and was looking foward to Friday as finishing up the last of ALL of my infusions which due to people not recieving thier meds, etc are now all in a space of 7 days. However, my patient's family called Thursday night to report he was sick - that would explain the queasy feeling I got starting Friday morning. I made it through about 2 hours at work - enough time to arrange visits and tie up some loose ends and then it was back to bed for me. I can pretty much tough anything out - I only missed one day when I had bronchitis but when it comes to throwing up and stuff it's time to go home. I didn't actually throw up - I was smart enough not to eat anything but  I spent the day running a fever and feeling icky. I feel run down this morning but much better. We got snow yesterday afternoon, an unwelcome surprise even for me - we've been teased with spring once too many times. It's snowing again this morning, but it's wet and truly unpleasant, like it could almost be rain but isn't. David finished the cabinets last night with a coat of varnish, don't they look great? They'll actually look better when we get the kitchen repainted and counters replaced as the dark stain really makes those tangerine counters pop right out now. The worst part about the counters is that for as ugly as they are, they're in PERFECT condition - there is not one faded area, not one scratch, nothing. Pearl is a busy bee this morning as she is every morning, her last adventure had absolutely no effect on her. And she's still after Charger's medicine, she stands as close as she can when he gets his morning pill to try and snatch it so we really have to watch her. And the bottle is kept high up ALL the time, we make sure it. I'm at the moment looking foward to Easter, I need Ray to give me a yes or no, because if he doesn't come this year we're invited to go with Susan's family to the buffet at the Holiday Inn in Fairmont.

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