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Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy 13th!

Yes, it is Friday the 13th today - a friend of mine told me years ago that in Europe that's considered a lucky day because it happens so rarely - I'll go with that. The wind continues unabated-I put some water in the bathtub last night as we have a well now. The upside of having a well is you don't have to pay a water bill. The downside is no water when the electric goes out as the pump won't work. We did look into a generator but found it would need to be hardwired into the electrical panel - David does a lot of wiring but that is too dangerous to fool around with. So we just do what everyone else does and keep  few containers filled to get us through. I'm so glad today is Friday, it's been a long stressful week workwise - I'm afraid of making a misstep at some point this late in the game. I'm afraid my new job will disappear and a host of other things. I'm looking forward to this weekend, the weather is supposed to be crappy but I can knit. Speaking of which my books from Amazon will not be here for awhile I think - I qualified for the "supersaver" free shipping and given the estimated date I think they may be coming by sea turtle express. Live and Learn. I was hoping it would stay warm so I could start working on the porch but I can shop for cushions for the swing and harass David to finish the church pew and of course arrange and muck around with the gazillion knitting books I have now. 

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