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Friday, February 27, 2009

Is It Friday Yet?

Are you tired of pictures of Vincent? I'm not! However, in your defense he also thinks I should stop. Well, it's been a busy week for me and David work wise. David has finished his first week of clinical and even though it's still a bit daunting for him, he's enjoying it far more than he expected. he's off with Harry today scoping around and before anyone gets too hysterical please keep in mind we are talking about only moving 30 miles away, there is definitely NO hurry and we know this time the jobs are much more plentiful there than here AND there will eventually be less travel time for both of us. Not to mention we spend more of our weekends there than here. I'm doing a couple of visits today as I need to be signed off on that so I have to leave early this morning. David has his list of things to do as they don't have class today and we have to finish getting ready for the arrival of Liz and Kirsten.  The weather has warmed up a bit more, hopefully it will continue to get a little nicer. The other thing we've got to do is get Ray moving as it's that time of the year for him to start visiting. I think I'll see if he can come out while I'm in Philadelphia and he and David can have a weekend for shooting the bull and so forth.  So with a hint of spring in the air things are starting to lift their heads and take a deep breath, it's this time of year  that I always have the most plots and plans, that you really feel like DOING SOMETHING, that some big project (the porch) starts to loom.  But we'll see, won't we?

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