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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yes It's Still Cold. Thank You For Asking.

I'm sorry - yes it IS Vincent and a piece of knitting again, but I love them both and so should you. Cats and yarn just seem to go together, like chicken and rice, pork and beans, me and any knitting books from Amazon.  The weather has warmed up to a balmy 28 degrees today, ARRGH is all I have to say on that - I am super tired of the cold cold cold. And this time of year it's the worst because in your head - it's spring. It's March, bring on the birds the grass the sunshine, bring on the Easter baskets - where is everyone??!! But the snow sticks around and my car starts with  that whackingly awful noise it does when it's this cold - nothing serious just something frozen.  The cats continue to peer out the windows in hopes of seeing something alive and edible, ARRRGHH. Work was good again today, my office has it's open house scheduled and I already have the outfit picked out, I just need a blouse to go with it. And shoes. And some other stuff.  But the invitations and the press release will be sent out this week and there is catering involved - what's not to love?  We are heading out tomorrow to finish up a round of admissions, the flu has been decimating the staff all week and it seems to be an especially nasty bug, hanging in there for days on end.  I'm hoping I don't catch it and feel very sorry for those that have.  Anyhoo in knitting news I have started the second sleeve but am considering stopping for a bit and quicky knitting a pair of socks. Now we all know Im not one for having any UFO's hanging around the place but when I started this sweater I thought it was awesome that it was cabled all over - do you have any idea how LONG all that cabling is taking? I'm what, a month or more into it and I still have not only the second sleeve but a hood to do? So I may break my rule, I'm thinking about it.

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